Who can use the images in our library?
All images on this page are ©KarlCallwood.
The CCVI Fish and Wildlife Library is a free resource for public sharing and learning about life presence in the V.I. eco-system. Images may be shared via social media with credits intact. Images and videos may not be shared in such a manner that the sharing can be construed as, or mistaken for, an endorsement of a product, service, organization or individual. See below for permissions and criteria for commercial use.
All images on this page are ©KarlCallwood.
Images and videos in this library may be used without charge by students, educational institutions, VIDPNR Fish & Wildlife, and civic organizations for projects, reports, homework assignments, research papers, etc. to include publishing, so long as there is no charge-to-customer for the published material. Credits must remain intact. For use in publications for which the customer/viewer will be charged, please see “Commercial Use”.
Images may be used commercially in paid-publications and within advertising and promotional material only under written agreement with CCVI and after license fee payment to Camp Umoja and the Environmental Rangers or payment waiver by CCVI.
USE IN ADVERTISEMENTS: Purchasers of annual display ads or commercials may utilize library images and video for on-site display ads and commercials in our videos. Eco-sponsors have a lifetime license to utilize the images and videos in their promotions and advertisements on or off this site.
USE IN COMMERCIAL PUBLICATIONS AND/OR COLLECTIONS: For use in publications or collections that will be sold; websites that charge user/membership fees or some other payment scheme; or pay events; contact us to negotiate potential licensing.
Images and Videos may never be sold as an independent work.
All images on this page are ©KarlCallwood.
- Setophaga petechia: (Male feeding on Sea Grape Tree blossoms at Mandahl Bay) Yellow Warbler, Mangrove Warbler, Mangrove Bird
- Brown Pelican deploys flaps for landing.
- Dinner! Dinner!
- This bird looks like a booby while diving.
- A Brown Pelican soars low over the waves of Mandahl Bay.
- A Little Blue Heron patrols the far Mandahl shoreline.
- The VI State Bird – The Bannanaquit a/k/a Yellow Breast
- A Magnificent Frigate bird hunts along the Mandahl shoreline
- FISH EAGLE – Osprey at Tutu Bay