Foundation for Development Planning, Inc. [FDPI]
The Mission of the Foundation is to “engage with relevant stakeholders to foster sustainable development in the Caribbean, integrating social, economic, and environmental dimensions.”
The Foundation carries out sustainable development planning, research, and programs focused on Caribbean communities. In addition to the development of appropriate tools and processes, the Foundation has the capacity to provide advice and technical assistance to organizations, communities, and governments throughout the independent and non-independent English, Spanish, French, and Dutch-speaking countries and territories of the Wider Caribbean Region.
The Foundation for Development Planning, Inc. (FDPI) was registered in the United States Virgin Islands in October 2010 as a non-profit corporation. The FDPI is classified as a public charity by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, and is granted exemption from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Program of Work
The purpose of the Foundation for Development Planning, Inc (FDPI), as stated in its articles of incorporation, is to engage in programs that lead to the sustainable development of Caribbean communities. That purpose is to be achieved through two general mechanisms:
- Development of programs, tools, methodologies, and processes to enable improved management of island systems; and
- Provision of technical assistance to community, national, regional, and other organizations in the design and implementation of studies, projects, and programs in environmental management and sustainable development.
The program of work is shaped not only by FDPI’s purpose, but also the development realities of the Caribbean. Caribbean economies are essentially single-sector economies, beset by structural deficiencies and extremely vulnerable to external shocks. Attempts to diversify national economies have resulted in limited success, and high levels of public indebtedness and degrading social and environmental conditions create uncertainties about the future.
FDPI collaborates with institutions in the public, private, and civil society sectors, and find appropriate ways to engage the general public. However, FDPI’s role is not limited to adding value to programs designed and managed by other institutions. Concerns regarding the utility of current development models, the existence of governance systems that constrain full participation in the development process, and the low level of public confidence in the future, may require the FDPI to become engaged in areas or processes that are not in the mainstream of national or regional development planning in the Caribbean.
The program areas selected for FDPI’s Program of Work 2016-2021 have been identified as critical areas of focus for Caribbean development. The program areas are:
Water Resources Development
Climate Change Adaptation
Development Planning and Research
Development of Decision Support Tools
Strengthening of the Caribbean Civil Society Sector